
Pacific Corner is a blog that displays the issues of science and technology in general. This is so that people can more easily obtain the necessary information related to science and technology.
Viewers can participate in this blog by sending writing (scientific papers) in various languages via our contact e-mail: iswahyudi94@gmail.com
Writing (scientific papers) may be a result of their own thoughts and reviews of existing writings are accompanied by personal opinion.

This blog also features reference books (reference) for the field of marine scientific writing (General Oceanography).

For viewers who want to advertise on this site we received. Viewers can contact us via the contact e-mail.

Iswahyudi. Graduates of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University in Semarang in 1999. Living in the city of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Daily activities as an IT practitioner at a furniture company in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia.

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